
Kamis, 05 Mei 2011

Tour to the Residence of Queen Elizabeth II at Windsor Castle

Windsor Castle is not only a place of residence of the Queen of the Kingdom of England, Elizabeth II, but also an amazing tourist attractions. Castle consisting of Royal Palace, the Church, as well as residential and working places of the royal courtier is open to the public, so that everyone from different countries to visit Windsor Castle.

Windsor Castle has about 600 rooms that opened to the public in the summer, and spacious gardens about 20 acres, with the beauty of its own artificial lake complete with a real flamingo.

At Windsor Castle was built by William the Conqueror, this place was known as Fort Norman. The earliest buildings of this castle is a mound of dirt in the middle that was built by William the Conqueror in 1080 AD.
Sometimes Windsor Castle is often used used for state ceremonies for visiting heads of state from other countries. Usually every weekend, Queen Elizabeth and the royal family often rest at Windsor Castle. When Queen Elizabeth was at Windsor Castle, the national flag, Union Flag, flown over the castle, as a sign.
For those of you who travel to the UK, it feels incomplete if you have not visited the residence of Queen Elizabeth’s Windsor Castle. There you will see the beauty of a mix of artificial and natural grandeur of Windsor Castle building.


Welcome to London!

London is one of the great cities of the world. Here you will find information on things to do and see in London.
From royal palaces to street markets, from historical buildings to top shopping attractions, the London Sightseeing Guide is full of helpful sightseeeing tips and advice.
London is a fantastic city to visit. There are hundreds of places to visit and things to do in London but here a few suggestions.
Take a sightseeing tour round central London on an open top red bus.
Visit the British Museum.
Walk from Piccadilly Circus to Leicester Square taking in Chinatown.
Take a trip on the London Eye.
Visit the historic palace of The Tower of London.
Watch the Changing of the Guards outside Buckingham Palace.
Go shopping in Oxford Street.
Visit some markets such as Camden Market and Portobello Market a
Take a boat trip on the River Thames.
Have dinner in Soho and watch a show in one of the fabulous historic theaters that line Shaftesbury Avenue.
The wealth of tourist attractions and places to visit in London is staggering. but here is the official top ten tourist attractions.

If you want a quick overview of some of the many attractions of London. Why not watch this short video.

Selasa, 03 Mei 2011


Inggris adalah negara bagian terbesar dan terpadat penduduknya dari negara-negara bagian yang membentuk Persatuan Kerajaan Britania Raya dan Irlandia Utara (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland). Negara-negara lainnya adalah Skotlandia,Wales dan Irlandia Utara. Seringkali nama Inggris dipakai untuk menyebut keseluruhan negara ini.
Inggris yang wilayahnya meliputi 2/3 pulau Britania, berbatasan dengan Skotlandia di sebelah utara dan dengan Wales di sebelahbarat.
Berbeda dengan Skotlandia, Wales dan Irlandia Utara, Inggris tidak memiliki pemerintahan dan parlemen lokal (setingkat denganDPRD) sendiri.


Negara politik adalah wilayah berdaulat dengan satu kerajaan. Seluruh permukaan Bumi (tidak termasuk Antartika dengan wilayah perairan pantai dikata dibagikan antara negara geografi. Kini terdapat 192 negara yang diiktiraf Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu yaitu 191 negara dan Negara Vatikan.
Selain ini, terdapat wilayah-wilayah tidak berdaulat lain yang mahu diiktiraf sebagai negara dalam maksud di atas. Sesetengah daripada negara ini mempunyai kawalan de facto terhadap sesuatu kawasan dan populasi mereka, seperti Abkazia, tetapi tidak dikira sebagai negara kearena tidak diiktiraf sebagai mempunyai kedaulatan. Pada sebelah yang lainnya pula, di sesetengah negara yang kewujudannya diiktiraf secara antarabangsa, tiada kerajaan pusat yang berkuasa atau terdapat keramaian kerajaan-kerajaan de facto. Kerajaan-kerajaan ini tidak dikatakan mempunyai negara sendiri, tetapi berdiri diatas wilayah negara berkenaan.


Region (wilayah) Inggris

  • Greater London (London Raya)
  • North East England
  • North West England
  • Yorkshire and the Humber
  • West Midlands
  • East Midlands
  • East of England
  • South West England
  • South East England

Kota besar

  • London
  • Birmingham
  • Manchester
  • Bristol
  • Liverpool
  • Leeds
  • Newcastle upon Tyne
  • Sheffield